Access Control Policy



Focus on prevention of unauthorized access to the factory premises for approaching ahead to the shipping, loading, packing areas and etc. Implement controls on the identification of all employees, visitors, vendors. It also includes PROCEDURES for challenging unauthorized/unidentified persons and materials carried by.

General Guidelines

1.      The identification system is to be adopted to control the entry and movement of persons inside the compound. This system shall cover all people’s transactions of business at the Factory. Everyone is required to identify himself before entry.
2.      All personnel entering/exiting the factory shall be accorded due respect and courtesy.
3.       All personnel are expected to remain in their designated work areas and shall help prevent movement of unauthorized personnel in restricted areas.
4.      Entry and exit of outside personnel shall be controlled by the security force and coordination with the responsible employees. Their movement and activities while inside the premises shall be controlled and monitored by the concerned assigned/employees.
5.      The parking area inside the compound is for employees and visitor/vendors those vehicles subject to be checked by check instrument.
6.      A lock and key control system has to be adopted to secure critical operations and restricted
 rooms/areas. Access shall require prior permission and entry procedure to entry.
7.      Picture taking inside the premises shall be discouraged.
8.      All restricted areas shall be identified and provided with Guard/Assigned employee. Department Manager to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed in these restricted areas.
9.      Hand carried luggage/bag etc. of incoming persons may be subject to inspection.
10.   All persons are strongly encouraged to leave the premises after their official working time.
11.   Inspection of all outgoing personnel and luggage shall be effected. A duly approved gate pass must cover all outgoing tools, materials, and equipment.
12.   The security guard station at the main gate shall be the main control post. Personnel’s entry and exit shall be monitored and controlled. The appropriate visitor’s identification tags and passes shall be issued from this station after being gate registration done.
13.   Personal visits duly must be approved other than emergencies are discouraged so as not to interfere with the production. Pre-information on visits is always encouraged.
14.   Human Resource Department shall inform the security main gate for any hiring, promotion resignation and all kinds of Termination factory.

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